"In my Opinion....!!"
Whew!! Back again, within a week! Thats consistency for me :D
Anyway , a friend of mine happened to send me this link http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html
Supposedly it tells you where you stand in the political spectrum!(ya.. like i care how political i am but anyways..!) Its quick and fast and interesting, for sure. Especially when you get the results :)
That got me thinking( here I go yet again, and there goes my another wasted day on mandatory course project...).. Is it really necessary to have an opinion in every issue, or would it be okay just to click on the bunch of "Maybe's" and get away leading a "no controversies please" kind of life?
Well, it sure makes an interesting read, if you swing to either end of the spectrum, and away from the "centrists" (so called by the link for all the people with most "maybe"'s) - but how committed are we to the view that we take? Do we really mean it, or is it just an "ideal me" that I would like to visualize , if I were to put myself in some one else's shoes!! Would I still stick to my opinion if I were asked to change it with a gun in my head... hmm.. no way( not unless am like the famed "Captain" of tamil filmdom who can dodge them faster than the blink of an eye)!!
So does it really matter what opinion we may have if, we are not sure how we would react- given a different situation, away from a cozy sofa, with a freshly brewed coffee(by the way did i say that i wud probably take a bullet then give up coffeee............!!)and staring at the computer and clicking away a bunch of checkboxes that pose as estimators of your mental predisopositions..!
hmm worth thinking about??? not now... my project is still waiting for a start..!!! i have no second doubts on that for sure.............:D
Whew!! Back again, within a week! Thats consistency for me :D
Anyway , a friend of mine happened to send me this link http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html
Supposedly it tells you where you stand in the political spectrum!(ya.. like i care how political i am but anyways..!) Its quick and fast and interesting, for sure. Especially when you get the results :)
That got me thinking( here I go yet again, and there goes my another wasted day on mandatory course project...).. Is it really necessary to have an opinion in every issue, or would it be okay just to click on the bunch of "Maybe's" and get away leading a "no controversies please" kind of life?
Well, it sure makes an interesting read, if you swing to either end of the spectrum, and away from the "centrists" (so called by the link for all the people with most "maybe"'s) - but how committed are we to the view that we take? Do we really mean it, or is it just an "ideal me" that I would like to visualize , if I were to put myself in some one else's shoes!! Would I still stick to my opinion if I were asked to change it with a gun in my head... hmm.. no way( not unless am like the famed "Captain" of tamil filmdom who can dodge them faster than the blink of an eye)!!
So does it really matter what opinion we may have if, we are not sure how we would react- given a different situation, away from a cozy sofa, with a freshly brewed coffee(by the way did i say that i wud probably take a bullet then give up coffeee............!!)and staring at the computer and clicking away a bunch of checkboxes that pose as estimators of your mental predisopositions..!
hmm worth thinking about??? not now... my project is still waiting for a start..!!! i have no second doubts on that for sure.............:D
Hi Harini,
Well, a nice blog!...
"I think, therefore I am" -- Descartes
As the "friend" who sent Harini (aka coffee pot) this link, I'd contend that it does matter that you have an opinion even if you wouldn't bet your life on it. You could get away with a sedentary life, having a "maybe" attitude to all concepts, but then you're no different from cattle (if cows really had opinions, you'd have "Animal Farm" happening). A good example of this is science. We've had so many scientific theories disproved over the centuries and new ones constantly formed. If the scientists decided there is no point performing experiments since things are going to change anyways 100 years from now, we'd still be living in the caves. (Of course, their's are not just opinions but backed by experiments on which they may be willing to stake their remaining lifetime).
As to the political quiz itself (or any such subjective quiz), it tries to evaluate your "predispositions" at the current point in time. If you changed you mind later, affected by events you come aross in life, good for you! I recall Oliver Wendell Holme's quote related to this, "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions".
Hey Harini,
You might be the only person I know who thinks of laziness as an end in itself:)
Keep writing.
I will agree with extreme hiker but with my reservations. My take on this issue is that you can not ponder over every issues you come across. You select your areas of interest and probably will disect it to the core. Point on my favour will be the the way Einstein lived his life. It is a well known fact that he used all his energies in certain subjects only. Every man has got his limited source of energy and you decide how you want to use it. Another living example is Warren Buffet.
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